Image for blog post retaining first time customers.

Keeping first-time customers coming back is the name of the game. Why? Because it’s way more expensive to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one. According to Forbes, acquiring a new customer can cost 5 times more than retaining an existing customer. So, let’s dive into some strategies that will make your first-time customers feel like they’ve found their “forever” salon or spa. We’ll explore everything from the importance of personal touches to the power of technology in customer retention. So, grab a cuppa, and let’s get started!

Key Takeaway: Customer retention isn’t just about top-notch services; it’s about creating an experience that customers can’t forget.

Make It Personal: Not Only for First-time Customers

First impressions last, right? So, make your first-time customers feel like VIPs from the get-go. Begin with a comprehensive consultation—discuss their past experiences, current hair and skincare routine, dietary habits, and even lifestyle. This broader view will help tailor services that resonate with their unique needs. Remember their names, their favourite services, or even how they like their tea. According to Harvard Business Review, customers who have a positive experience spend 140% more compared to those who had a negative experience. Trust me, they’ll notice. Personalisation goes beyond just knowing their name; it’s about understanding their needs and preferences. Do they prefer a quiet environment or like to chat during their appointment? Keep notes and use this information to tailor each visit.

Loyalty Isn’t Just a Word

Loyalty programs are like the cherry on top. Offer points for each visit and let them redeem those points for free services or products. According to Annex Cloud, increasing customer retention rates by 5% increases profits by 25% to 95%. It’s a win-win: they get free stuff, and you get repeat business. But remember, a loyalty program is only as good as the value it provides. Make sure the rewards are enticing enough to encourage repeat visits.

The Art of Upselling

Don’t just stop at the service they came in for. Suggest add-ons or premium products that align with their needs. According to VendHQ, effective upselling can increase revenue by up to 10%. It enhances their experience and boosts your revenue. The key to successful upselling is timing and relevance. Don’t push products, especially for first-time customers; instead, suggest add-ons that genuinely enhance their experience. For example, if a customer is getting a facial, suggest a specialised serum or mask as an add-on.

Create a Relaxing Atmosphere

Your salon or spa should be a sanctuary. Invest in comfortable furniture, play soothing music, and make sure the place smells divine. According to Spa Executive, the atmosphere can affect customer satisfaction by up to 40%. A relaxed customer is a returning customer. Consider elements like lighting, decor, and even the layout. Everything should contribute to a sense of peace and relaxation.

Exceptional Customer Service

Train your staff to go above and beyond. Whether it’s offering a complimentary head massage or remembering a client’s birthday, these small gestures make a big difference. According to American Express, 68% of customers say they’ll pay more for products and services from a company with excellent customer service. So, invest in training your staff not just in technical skills but also in customer relations.

Key Takeaway: Exceptional customer service is often found in the little things. It’s what sets you apart from the competition.

Feedback: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Always ask for feedback. It’s like having a cheat sheet for what you’re doing right and what needs work. According to ReviewTrackers, 63.6% of consumers are likely to check online reviews on Google before visiting a business. Plus, it shows your customers that you value their opinions. Use feedback forms or even quick surveys post-service to gather this invaluable information. Chatbots are a great tool for following up on first-time customer visits and getting their valuable feedback.

Social Media: More Than Just Selfies

Social media isn’t just for showing off your latest hair transformations. Use it to engage with your audience. Share tips, offer special promotions, and showcase those glowing customer reviews. According to Sprout Social, 57% of consumers will follow a brand to learn about new products or services. So keep your social media platforms active and engaging.

Special Offers: Because Who Doesn’t Love a Deal?

Offering special packages or seasonal promotions can turn first-time customers into a regular. According to RetailMeNot, 80% of consumers feel encouraged to make a first-time purchase with a brand that is new to them if they find an offer or discount. And let’s be honest, everyone loves feeling like they got a deal. Consider creating special packages that combine popular services at a discounted rate.

Chat Marketing: Your New Best Friend and Assistant

This is where tech comes in. Use chat marketing platforms like Manychat to send personalized messages and offers directly to your clients’ phones. Implement chatbots for online bookings and automated follow-ups. According to Chatbots Magazine, businesses can reduce customer service costs by up to 30% by implementing conversational solutions like chatbots.

Key Takeaway: Chat marketing and automation aren’t about replacing the human touch; they’re about enhancing it.


So there you have it—ten strategies to make sure those first-time customers become regulars. From personal touches to smart tech solutions, it’s all about creating an experience that they’ll want to repeat. According to Bain & Company, a 5% increase in customer retention can increase a company’s profitability by 75%.

Ready to take your customer retention game to the next level? Why not book a call with us or sign up for our message funnel workshop? Trust us; you won’t regret it.

Message Funnel Workshop

Not sure if a chatbot will improve customer service and increase bookings and sales?

Enroll in the Message Funnel Workshop today and get proof that chatbots can increase revenue and bring value to your salon and spa business.